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Art Supply

After School Art Days & Times

Mondays: 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm

Tuesdays: 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm

Wednesday: 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm

**More classes and times will be offered if summer classes fill up. Contact the instructor for any questions regarding additional class times.


Helpful Information about Classes

  • To sign up for lessons, message Emily White Tousley via text or email or use the contact form on the website.

  • Payment is processed through Venmo and not through the website. For more information, contact Emily. 

  • Summer classes begin the week of June 8th and continue until the end of August. As always, we accept new students at any time as long as there are spots open for them.

  • Classes are broken up into three sections: Fall, Winter, and Summer, with small breaks in between. Students are welcome to take any sections for as long as they would like.

Pricing Information

Additional Information about Pricing

All payment is handled through Venmo. Parents can view payment records easily through Venmo and contact Emily White Tousley for further information.


Parents can choose to pay monthly in advance with a discount of $10 off the total monthly price of $120. Hence, the monthly price would be a total of $110. This only applies if it is paid in advance. For more information, see the Plans & Pricing section of the website.

What are Classes Like?

My approach to classes comes from a life spent taking all kinds of art classes. I put a particular focus on helping students exercise creativity and autonomy in their artwork, even as they are developing some of the "hard skills" of art, such as accurate rendering.


I provide project directions for students who find themselves stumped, but I always prefer to work with students on an individual basis to decide the kind of projects that they want to work on. This teaches students to engage in the art and to embrace their personal voice and artistic intuition. Doing it this way takes a lot more one-on-one attention from the instructor than when every student is working on the same project. However, I think it is entirely worth it, and I love to help students make the art that truly interests them.


Gaining artistic skills comes from practice and learning from others. That is why we have classes in small groups where students can really get to know each other. It also comes from learning to enjoy art, so that is also a focus in our class. We play music, chat, and even have a mid-lesson snack to make sure everyone is comfortable and focused. Students can and should take time on their projects. Many students may take a few weeks to finish a project. I encourage putting plenty of care into them so that they can feel truly proud and continue to push themselves artistically.



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